Most likely you used a google search for “replacement window companies near me”. We are glad you did!
Too Little Too Late?

Is it possible you procrastinated getting new windows in the fall? Maybe you did and now you have searched “replacement window companies near me” because of this heat and high electric bills. Worry not…we’ve been there and done that, got the $387.00 electric bill to show for it.
How many high electric bills did you pay before you came to the realization that it is time to make some changes? We hope not more than a few, because that is money that could’ve gone in your pocket if you had energy-efficient windows. The story is usually the same. You are constantly turning the thermostat down to 67° and the AC just runs and runs, but never actual gets below 78°. In the meantime, you are facing 98° temperatures at night, unfortunately we don’t mean the 90’s boy band—we mean drenched in sweat sleepless nights in never ending HEAT.
You suffer without any relief and only end up spending more money to get out of the house and go to places that are cool. Maybe you venture off to Typhoon Texas or maybe checking out a lame 2 hour movie. Or maybe you choose to sit and suffer in you money sucking heat filled house while your AC empties your bank account.
This may be a little theatrical…but you are here and the summer is almost at an end. Although you may have made it through this summer it is likely you DO NOT want to go through it again. It is not just miserable, but also a drain on your finances and overall health and well being.
Making a change now will protect and prepare you for next summer.
Using Google to Search “Replacement Window Companies Near Me” Just Saved You Money!
We are glad you found us. You really did just make the first step in saving some money. Making the choice and deciding to do something about your inefficient windows is a great move in the right direction!
With the help of Superior Windows you can start selecting our award-winning replacement windows. These windows will upgrade the look and feel of your home. Next year at this time, you will be overjoyed without huge energy bills dragging you down. You can be living a more pleasant life in no time…all because you made the first step in searching for “replacement window companies near me.”
Texas summers are extreme, but due to the humidity they are worse in Houston. As soon as summer comes to an end we are faced with hurricane season. If you have ever canoed over Highway 290 then you know what we mean. This is another reason why upgrading your home windows at the end of the summer is a great time.
If you are burning up, trying to cool your house off, but your windows are leaking out all the cold air–your at a loss for what to do. The answer is simple. Invest in replacement windows before hurricane season rolls in. Double insulated and impact-resistant glass with new seals will keep out any water or wind. Not to mention, when the winter comes…your old windows will leave you with the same problem. However, this time it will be heat escaping though your drafty windows and this will of course cost your MORE money.
It All Comes Down To The Windows
It is time to face the facts! Standard windows that are in good shape in Houston homes lose about 37% of conditioned or heated air. If the windows have single-pane glass, are older, or have seals that are broken—that number jumps to an astonishing 58%.
Yes, that means that slightly more than half of your expensive cold or warm air is being flushed outside with your precious money. The good news is…it does not have to be this way in Houston! If you want to start saving money and prepare for next summer then start shopping for your new windows now. Some may be living in a new home and are still suffering from this problem.
Oftentimes developers build homes using the most affordable parts possible to meet code. This means that you are likely getting bargain-basement HVAC, doors, plumbing and windows. Unfortunately, this is just a dirty secret of residential construction business. Most home buyers do not realize that you can request what windows, HVAC, and plumbing is used. Yes, that is right! You can specify upgrades when you are purchasing a new home to build. Of course upgrades are not free—but it’s money well spent!
However, if you purchased a home as is, or simply did not choose to upgrade the windows, you are in luck. You can still fix your windows. Selecting energy-efficient windows from Superior for installation is a simple project that can save you money!
New Replacement Windows Can Save You Money
After selecting windows to match your home’s style and exterior your work is done. All that is left for you to do is sit back relax and wait. Your windows will be custom manufactured in our facility and then sent to your home for installation. After your new replacement windows are installed you will notice your pockets are a little heavier. You will quickly see your money piling up—especially in summer.
Brings Your Heating And Cooling Costs Down
Staying cool in Houston can be a discouraging task. The majority of the year we are at least at 75° with over 50% humidity. This explains why Houston has the highest hair spray sales in the nation. Combining the muggy climate with drafty old windows or single-pane windows equals plain misery. If you have single-panes or drafty windows the task of staying cool can seem impossible. It is indeed, those cheap and drafty windows that are causing the increase in electricity usage in Houston homes by an average of 20%. This is a huge increase to your cost of living.
There are various factors that can make a difference to your electric bill. For example, location, the number of windows or our replacement windows. We could help you save $500 or more each year in electric bills. Not only that, but it can extend the longevity of your HVAC system because it will not have to work as hard.
Mitigates Chances Of Costly Repairs
Unfortunately, cheap windows are not just affordable, but sometimes they are just CHEAP. Oftentimes, they are cheap for a reason, they are not quality products. Our windows are not cheap, but they are not highly priced either.
Being able to identify the difference between cheap and inexpensive is crucial when looking for quality windows. Replacement windows from Best Investments Siding and Windows are made using advanced substrates and glass in glass in state-of-the-art facilities. Each clients windows go through extensive and stringent quality checks. Any window that does not pass our quality checks does not get shipped and we start from the beginning. However, it is highly unusual that we have to re-make a window. Our facilities and manufacturing process runs like a well-oiled machine. We are good at what we do. We produce windows in all ranges…from low-budget to high-end luxury windows. We do not cut any corners, no matter what price point all of our products are manufactured with high-quality hardware and glass.
Unlike cheap single pane windows that can shatter with the smallest impact and on average only last 6 years–our replacement windows last at least 20 years on average and many with lifetime warranties.
Of course, wear and tear is natural with all windows, but cheap windows have breakdowns far too often. Once you have paid for two or three repairs, your savings on cheap windows is quickly undone by repair costs. The more sensible route is to spend a little more on quality windows that rarely need repairs and save yourself the stress. Cheap windows will end up costing the same if not more than new upgraded windows in the long run.
Increases The Value Of Your Home
The National Association of Realtors studies suggest that there is a huge benefit that is rewarded to homeowners who upgrade their windows. The curb appeal increases and well as the efficiency. On average, homeowners end up with a 70% return on their investment when they end up selling the home. This basically means that upgrading your windows can increase the value of your home and improve the equity as well.
Don’t Just Google “Replacement Window Companies Near Me”
The best decision for your home and your pocketbook is to follow through and give us a call. Choosing not to invest in your home means that the value will not increase or even worse it could tumble. Best Investments Siding and Windows has been installing Windows to satisfied customers since 1977. Contact us today and find out for yourself.